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The Diplomatic and Professional Response of OMSAC to Allegations Regarding Saudi Arabia and Its Integrity

Saudi Arabia assuming the leadership of the UN Commission on the Status of Women is a decision that unsettles the detractors of success and progress. A handshake between Mohammed Ben Salmane and António Guterres symbolizes cooperation and partnership between Saudi Arabia and the United Nations. It illustrates the Crown Prince's commitment to the international community and his willingness to work closely with global institutions to promote peace, security, and sustainable development. This photo reinforces the message of our article, underscoring the importance of dialogue and cooperation in achieving common goals.

Since the arrival of Prince Mohammed Ben Salmane, Saudi Arabia has embarked on an unprecedented transformation across all domains, with a particular emphasis on human rights, women's and children's rights, and freedom of the press. Significant progress has been made, reflecting the country's commitment to global modernization and economic, social, and environmental development.

We, within the Integrity and Investigations department of OMSAC, respond with diplomacy and serenity to the recent allegations against Saudi Arabia. We emphasize that these allegations do not reflect the reality of the progress made by the country under the enlightened leadership of the Crown Prince.

The Integrity and Investigations department of OMSAC strongly condemns any relentless and racist behavior aimed at tarnishing the image of Saudi Arabia and its people. It is regrettable to note that some media outlets and organizations persist in adopting a hypocritical and malicious approach in their critiques, disregarding the progress and positive initiatives undertaken by the country under the leadership of Prince Mohammed Ben Salmane.

We urge these actors to demonstrate professionalism and to adhere to ethical standards in their evaluations. It is time for them to cease being tools and destructive executors of political agendas, and instead engage in constructive and informed dialogue for the benefit of all.

It is important to emphasize that the reforms undertaken by Saudi Arabia should not be ignored or downplayed. Massive investments in economic, social, and environmental development have a significant impact on the lives of Saudi citizens and also contribute to the well-being of the international community.

We also call for reflection on the responsibility of all international actors in promoting human rights. It is essential to recognize and denounce human rights violations wherever they occur, without bias or double standards.

Why have we not heard or seen these so-called humanists denounce the worst human catastrophe that can be described as the extermination suffered by the Palestinian people, led by women and children?

In conclusion, the Integrity and Investigations department of OMSAC reaffirms its commitment to supporting the Crown Prince's global vision for a better and prosperous future for Saudi Arabia and the world. The reports and investigations conducted by our department and its international partners attest to the progress made by the country and its commitment to universal values of human rights and social justice.

Furthermore, we wish to inform pseudo-journalists and malicious organizations that OMSAC is vigilant and attentive to any dubious or tendentious practices. We caution against any attempt at information manipulation or disinformation, as our inquiries and analyses are rigorous and transparent. The opportune moment will come when the dubious practices of these actors are exposed, in broad daylight, for truth to prevail.

Integrity & Investigations Department

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