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New Secretary-General of OMSAC for the Middle East & North Africa Region, Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY: A Distinguished Leader Committed to Anti-Corruption

The World Organization Security Against Corruption And Crime (OMSAC) proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY as the new Secretary-General for the Middle East & North Africa region. This decision follows a meticulous selection process by the OMSAC executive board, which reviewed 37 candidates. Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY was chosen for his exceptional dedication to fighting corruption, diverse experience, and enlightened leadership.

Biography of Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY:

Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY has built an impressive academic and professional record throughout his career. He holds an honorary doctorate from the American International Open University and another in human rights from the Modern American University. His education also includes a degree in media.

His political and economic journey is marked by his role as a former member of the General Secretariat of the Kuwaiti National Assembly. He presides over the Kuwait House for Friendship with the Peoples of the World and leads the board of the Union of Arab Gulf Media Producers. His contribution extends to road safety, where he sits on the board of the Kuwaiti Road Safety Association, and to Arab youth as a member of the Executive Council of the Arab Youth Economic Council.

Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY also serves as an advisor to the Kuwaiti Society for Human Rights and is a member of the Executive Council of the Arab League's Center for Introduction to Law. He chairs several friendship committees between Kuwait and other nations, emphasizing his commitment to international relations.

In recognition of his dedication and achievements, Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY has received honorary distinctions, including the Lion Medal from Senegal, the Lion Medal from Bangladesh, and the Honor Medal from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

Economic Engagement and Innovative Projects:

Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY is an accomplished entrepreneur, presiding over the board of Gulf Companies Group. He supervises businesses such as the Gulf Company for International Investment, Babel Iraq Company, and Zillow Real Estate Company.

Among his notable economic projects, the under-construction Global Metals Factory stands out as a welded steel tube production facility for oil extraction. Another project, Angels Village, aims to provide services to people with special needs and the elderly.

Towards an Anti-Corruption Future

The appointment of Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY as the Secretary-General of the Middle East & North Africa region of OMSAC reflects confidence in his enlightened leadership. The executive council of this region, comprising the Secretary-General and official representatives from each country, will be a crucial pillar in the fight against corruption and crime. While numerous challenges lie ahead, with the experience, determination, and vision of Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY, the Middle East & North Africa region of OMSAC is poised to write a new chapter in promoting security and transparency.

Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Yousef ALAMIRY:

Degrees and Positions in Politics, Literature, and Economics:

- Honorary Doctorate from the American International Open University.

- Honorary Doctorate in Human Rights from the Modern American University.

- Degree in Media.

- Former member of the General Secretariat of the Kuwaiti National Assembly.

- President of the Kuwait House for Friendship with the Peoples of the World.

- President of the Board of Directors of the Union of Arab Gulf Media Producers.

- Member of the Board of the Kuwaiti Road Safety Association.

- Member of the Executive Council of the Arab Youth Economic Council.

- Advisor to the Kuwaiti Society for Human Rights.

- Member of the Arab League's Center for Introduction to Law.

- President of the Kuwaiti-Korean Friendship Committee.

- President of the Kuwaiti-Bulgarian Friendship Committee.

- President of the Kuwaiti-Chinese Friendship Committee.

- Advisor to the Union of Arab Artists and member of the Board of Directors.

- Recipient of the Lion Medal from the Republic of Senegal.

- Recipient of the Lion Medal from the Republic of Bangladesh.

- Recipient of the Honor Medal from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

- Fidelity Medal from the Association of Veterans of the Arab League.

- President of the Kuwaiti House of National Affairs.

- Member of the Board of Directors of the National Al-Enmaa Company.

- Founder and President of the Board of Directors of Gulf for Love Egypt.

- Founder and President of the Board of Directors of Gulf for Humanity and Peace (Netherlands).

- Founder of Gulf People for the Love of Morocco (under creation).

- Vice-President of Kuwaiti and regional companies.

Economic Projects:

- Global Metals Factory: Under-construction factory for welded steel tube production for oil extraction on 150,000 square meters in Beni Souef.

- Angels Village: Project providing services to individuals with special needs and the elderly on 30 acres, located on the Misra-Suez Desert Road.

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